6340 Cryptocurrencies
Total Market Cap $3,373.29B
24h Total Volume $57.55B

Flow - Dapper Labs Flow - Dapper Labs star

-1.23 (-7.68%)
Profit Momentum
This momentum signal calculates the net change of in/out of the money addresses, if the number of "In the Money" addresses is increasing this would be a bullish signal. In the money means addresses that would make a profit on the tokens they hold because they acquired the tokens at a lower price.
Whale Momentum
Momentum signal that is bullish when the short term trend of the number of txs > $100k is greater than the long term average.
Growth Momentum
Momentum signal that gives an indication of the tokens underlying network health by measuring the amount of new addresses minus the addresses that have their balances emptied. It is bullish when more addresses are being created than emptied.
Concentration Momentum
The Concentration signal is based on the accumulation (bullish) or reduction (bearish) of addresses with more than 0.1% of the circulating supply.
Market share 0.60%
Proof type
24h Open $16.03
24h Low $14.48
24h High $16.13
Price in BTC 0.00015838840994 BTC
Current Supply 1,358,642,688 FLOW
Market cap $20,100,818,944
24h Volume (coin) 2,332,891 FLOW
24h Volume (currency) $34,514,612
24h Total Volume (coin) 3,365,769 FLOW
24h Total Volume (currency) $49.80M
Last updated 2021-05-27 05:02:29 +01:00 BST
ID Market Type Price Quantity Total
Date Price Volume

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